The Federation officers will be responsible for the following duties:
- President
The President shall be Chief Officer of the Federation. He or she will preside at general membership and Executive Board meetings, call for Executive Board meetings, preserve order, form committees, appoint members, and see that the officers and committees perform their respective duties. Officers shall report to the President through the Executive Board. - Vice President
The Vice President shall assist the President in the performance of his or her duties and shall exercise the powers of the President in his or her absence or in the event of the President's death, removal, or resignation. The Vice President shall lead the fundraising committee and other working committees as designated by the President and the Executive Board. The Vice-President shall manage the public relations of the Federation. - Secretary
The Secretary shall record all minutes at general membership and Executive Board meetings and will ensure procedures are followed. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall: (a) keep and maintain, or cause to be kept and maintained, adequate and correct books and accounts of the Federation's activities; and (b) send or cause to be given to the Executive Board such financial statements and reports as are required to be given by State and Federal law, these by-laws and/or the Executive Board.The Treasurer shall deposit, or cause to be deposited, all money and other valuables in the Federation's name and credit with such depositories as the Executive Board may designate, shall disburse the Federation's funds as the Executive Board may order, shall render to the President and the Executive Board, when requested, an account of all transactions as Treasurer and of the financial condition of the Federation, and shall have such other powers and perform such duties as the Executive Board or the By-Laws may prescribe.
The books of account shall be open to inspection by any officer at all reasonable times.
- Membership Chairperson
The Membership Chairperson shall be responsible for maintaining an accurate membership roster. He or she will be responsible to bill members for their dues and to issue a statement on the Federation membership not less than quarterly. He or she will also develop programs to maintain and/or expand membership levels as requested by the Executive Board. Finally, the Membership Chairperson will be responsible for welcoming new members to the Federation. - Social Chairperson
The Social Chairperson shall be in charge of initiating, planning, and carrying out all social functions. The Social Chairperson shall be designated as the person responsible for updating all social media. - Ladder Chairperson
The Ladder Chairperson shall (1) Encourage members to join the ladder, and (2) Oversee the online ladder to make sure initial members are added and matches are reported in accordance with the rules. The Ladder Chairperson shall also be responsible for enforcing the ladder rules as interpreted by the Rules Committee. The Ladder Chairperson shall organize and oversee the Club Championship Tournaments. - Rules Committee
The Rules Committee Chairperson shall preside over the Rules Committee, independent of the Executive Board, who will be responsible for recommended updates; and adjudicate any differences concerning the Charter and By-Laws between members and/or the Executive Board. - Technology Chairperson
The Technology Chair shall be responsible for the maintenance and administration of the Federation's technological infrastructure, which includes the website, email accounts, social media accounts, file shares, and other Internet-enabled services. The Technology Chair shall work with the respective chairpersons to ensure that website content is accurate and current. The Technology Chair shall work with the Treasurer to ensure payment for site hosting, domain registrations, and other Internet-enabled services.
Persons running for elected officer positions must have been a member of record of the Federation for at least 60 days prior to their nomination.
Officer elections shall take place under the supervision of the Rules Chair or other designated Executive Board Member in as fair a manner as possible. The Rules Chair or other designated Executive Board Member will announce a nomination time period. Nominations will be received electronically via email until the Rules Chair or other designated Executive Board Member closes the nomination period. Each nominee shall accept or decline his or her nomination at that time. Any member of record may nominate himself or herself to run for office.
All officers shall serve one-year terms and elections will be held every December. Voting will be conducted electronically. Finally, newly elected officers will assume their positions on January 1st and outgoing officers shall cooperate with the transition.
In the event of a vacancy on the Board, the remaining Executive Board shall appoint a replacement officer to serve the remainder of the term until the next election.
Federation members are required to pay dues to become members of record and thus be entitled to vote at meetings and participate in Federation sponsored activities. These dues, as well as any initiation fees, are to be set by the Executive Board, and may be changed from time to time, as necessary. Dues are to be paid on an annual basis, payable January 1st. If a member joins after January 1st, his or her dues shall be pro-rated 1/12 of the annual amount for each of the remaining months in the calendar year.
Players wishing to be put on the "inactive" status for a time should notify the Membership Chairperson so as not to be charged with dues during this period.
Players in extreme financial hardship should inform the Treasurer of the circumstances so the Executive Board may consider waiving or deferring amounts owed or temporarily reducing the membership fee at their discretion.
Officers of the Executive Board shall receive gratis membership during their terms of office.
The President or Executive Board shall from time to time appoint temporary committees to effectuate the specific goals and objectives of the Federation. The Vice President will be the Chairperson of all working committees and will report committee progress to the Board.
The President or Executive Board may also appoint committees that have a permanent and continuous character, such as the Rules Committee and the Tournament Committee. The formation of the standing committees should be approved by a majority of the members of record. These committees will have greater autonomy from the Executive Board than the working committees, but must have the approval of the Executive Board prior to any commitment of Federation resources.
The Executive Board shall consider Federation matters and present issues to the club membership for votes, as necessary. Quorums for the Executive Board meetings shall be a simple majority. Absent Board members may be present for quorum and voting purposes if they express their view on an issue to other Board members by phone, email, or in writing to another Board member. Board decisions will be made by a majority vote of the officers in attendance.
The Rules Committee will consist of at least three members, a Chairperson elected by the membership and at least two additional members appointed by the Executive Board. All Rules Committee members will serve one-year terms.
The purpose of the Rules Committee is to adjudicate disputes brought to it by interested club members, the President, or the Executive Board. In coming to a decision, the Rules Committee will interpret the Charter and Bylaws of the Federation as well as utilize general principles of fairness. In each case brought to it, the Committee shall issue a short written opinion setting forth the reasons for its holding. Copies of opinions will be transmitted to the Secretary.
The Rules Committee shall also periodically bring to the Executive Board or club membership its recommendations for changing the Charter and By-Laws in order that the Federation continues operating justly and efficiently. However, these recommendations shall not become binding until accepted by the club membership.
If at a membership meeting in which a quorum exists, an issue arises that is so controversial that it might conflict with a basic purpose for which the Federation exists, this issue may be tabled by a majority vote of the members of record who are present at the meeting. Notice of the issue shall be given before the matter is considered again at the next meeting.
None of the elected or appointed officers of the Federation shall be limited to a set number of terms.
Before a vote is taken at any club meeting, a member of record may move that a secret ballot be employed. If this motion carries the general acclaim, the Secretary shall distribute ballots so as to insure the confidentiality of the voting process.
The Executive Board will approve an annual budget for the general allotment of funds.
The Federation Treasurer and President shall have sole authority to issue checks pursuant to Federation business. President and Treasurer are authorized signers for the Federation's checking account. All disbursements in excess of $250, but less than $2,000, requires two signatures unless written authorization from the other authorized signer is received. All disbursements in excess of $2,000 requires two signatures.
Federation financial records will be available at a reasonable time for officers or members of record to view upon request.
In order to play in challenge tournaments against teams from outside San Diego, Federation players must have been a member of record for at least 30 days prior to the date of the tournament.
The Ladder Chairperson shall approve and publish equitable challenge ladder rules to encourage participation among Federation members.
The Hall of Fame was created in 2002, to recognize individuals that have made a great contribution to the Federation. The criteria for consideration for Hall of Fame induction includes, but is not limited to, years of SDTF Board leadership, tournament director experience (San Diego Open, Cal Cup/Pac Cup/ West Coast Cup, Team Tennis, Club Singles and Doubles Tournaments), player results, social and event participation, and/or other accomplishments deemed worthy. Candidates for induction are nominated and elected biennially (even years) by the Hall of Fame members.
Members of the San Diego Tennis Federation Hall of Fame shall receive gratis lifetime annual membership to the Federation.
These bylaws may be amended by a simple majority (50% plus 1) vote of the members of record at a membership meeting, duly held, at which a quorum is present.