The San Diego Tennis Federation, herein referred to as "the Federation," is a nonprofit organization devoted to promoting tennis and related social activities among the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community of San Diego. The Federation will sponsor regular tennis competition among its members, as well as assemble players to compete with other teams from outside San Diego County. Through its contributions or conduct, the Federation may also support worthy causes within the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or tennis communities. Finally, all Federation-supported activities shall be open to and publicized within the community.
Any person who endorses the Federation's basic purposes is eligible to be a member. No one will be discriminated against on the basis of age, race, ethnicity, religious belief, gender, or sexual orientation.
Members of record shall be those people who are current on dues and active in the membership database. Only members of record will be able to vote at Federation meetings, play in challenge tournament matches with other clubs or leagues, and play in any club sanctioned event that is designated for Members Only.
General membership meetings shall be held annually unless otherwise scheduled by the Executive Board. These meetings may serve as a forum to discuss and vote upon Federation business, or as a social function.
Notice of meetings will be given via email, the Federation website, and through social media.
In order for votes to be taken at Federation meetings, a quorum of 1/4 of the members of record must be present at the beginning of such meetings. Voting may occur through written proxy, but only if dated and signed by the member casting the proxy ballot.
The officers of the Federation shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Chairperson, Ladder Chairperson, Social Chairperson, Rules Committee Chairperson, and Technology Chairperson. All officers shall be elected to one-year terms and may be elected as many times as the membership so votes.
The Executive Board shall consist of the above nine officers and will meet periodically at the request of the President or Vice President. This Board will conduct the essential business of the Federation and be the directing force behind all Federation activities. Members of record may request that the President or Vice President call a special meeting of the Executive Board if a matter is so serious as to require immediate attention.
A Federation officer may be removed from office through a two-step process. First, the Executive Board, by majority vote must find the officer to have acted negligently or improperly in his or her duties. Second, the Rules Committee, by majority vote, must approve the Executive Board's decision to remove.
The Charter of the San Diego Tennis Federation can be amended, but only by a simple majority (50% plus 1) vote of the members of record at a Federation meeting where a quorum has been established. Notice must be given as to the exact wording of the amendment, as well as the reasons for the proposal to change.